The 6 Crucial Parts To A Review Funnel And How To Utilise One
A review funnel is an automated process that helps you to manage your online reviews .Reviews that are posted about your business can have a long lasting effect on business , so be proactive with good and bad reviews at all times. While making the process as smooth as possible for your customers to leave a review, and at the same time separating good and bad reviews in a way that benefits your business and future clients .
A review funnel will have three important stages:
1: To find ways that make it easy to get customers to leave a review.
2: To help guide the customer through the review process.
3: To try to respond to both positive and negative reviews in a positive way.
The first part of the review funnel is to find a way to invite your customers to leave a review. Theres a number of ways to encourage this depending on the type of business you own. Most people wont be highly motivated to write a review unless they have had a bad experience,
The next stage is filtering the customers via the review funnel into 2 distinctive types of customer ,the pleased and the not so pleased .
You also dont want customers who take the time to leave a positive review to feel that its unappreciated, and on the other hand you also wouldnt want customers who leave a negative review to feel that they have been left unheard. So always try to respond to reviews in a positive manner ,no matter whether its good or bad.
Responding to negative reviews:
1: Know when any new reviews are posted.
2: Respond to the any negative review as promptly as possible .
3: Learn from any negative reviews.
Responding to negative reviews is one of the most important things your business can do when it comes to your online reputation. so dont neglect this side of process.
According to a survey by Brightlocal the ,Local Consumer Review Survey 2022 says that 89% of consumers are ‘highly’ or ‘fairly’ likely to use a business that responds to its online reviews.
If you would like to look at an example of a review funnel and how it works heres an example of a review funnel we set up to show you .